By Eric Chappell
Directed by James Hough Nelson
Natural Causes, a black comedy, is the story of Vincent, who works for a company called Exodus as a professional “suicide merchant”. He turns up at the Bryce mansion assuming Walter Bryce has contacted him to carry out his suicide. But then there’s Walter’s wife, Celia, who wanted a suicide pact on her wedding night, and a good samaritan called in to help.
Acclaimed at its premiere in the West End in 1992 as a ‘highly original comedy thriller, full of mistaken identities, hilarious consequences and some great laughs’.
Who will actually take the suicide potion? Will it be the wife or the mistress, or even the errant husband? Innocent bystanders are not entirely safe, and even the poor rubber plant gets involved! Natural Causes will keep you in suspense until the hilarious conclusion. Cast: Walter Bryce – Lee Perry
Vincent – Gordon Park|
Angie – Susannah Devenish
Celia Bryce – Marie Corrigan
Withers – Murray Jackson