Dramafest is the state one-act drama festival coordinated by the Independent Theatre Association.
It has been running for over 25 years and is the largest showcase of West Australian talent on the stage.
Dramafest allows performers, directors, and crew from all the independent theatre groups in WA to come together to present works, between 20-50 minutes in length, in a friendly competition that is enjoyed by audiences.
This year Playlovers is entering two one-act dramas: Hello Out There directed by Sharon Greenock and Little Brother, Little Sister directed by Kimberley Shaw. Our third one-act play, Early Man directed by Kimberley Shaw, will be entered in YouthFest, the junior equivalent.
This year, Stirling Players is hosting the festival – located at 25 Morris Place, Innaloo (at the back of the car park). Dramafest commences September 21st and finishes with the adjudicator’s presentation on Sunday September 25th.
Youthfest will be held on the 17th-18th September also at Stirling Players.
More information about the festival is available from www.facebook.com/DramafestWA