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2023  // Playlovers productions in 2023

January, Production, 2023, SEASON CLOSED | Comments Off on The Western Jukebox

The Western Jukebox

Devised and Directed by Alex McLennan

Performance Dates:  January 19, 20, 21, 22 Times:  Thurs, Fri, Sat evening shows at 7.30pm Sat & Sun matinee shows at 2pm

Performing at  The Actors’ Hub

Playlovers proudly presents a musical youth production ‘The Western Jukebox’.
Radio station, PLAY FM’s Country and Western “Hour of Power” is sure to tickle your Texan funny bone and then be taken on an educational journey through the world of the Jukebox musical with a little bit of audience input thrown in for good measure! (more…)