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The Broken Slipper

February, Production, 2015, SEASON CLOSED | Comments Off on The Broken Slipper

Presented by Out of the Bag Productions in association with Playlovers

An original piece written by Yvette Wall and directed by Alida Chaney

Winner of 6 awards at Dramafest 2014 including Best Overall Production!

This one-act play runs in conjunction with “A Piece of Cake” at Hackett Hall as part of the Fringe Festival 2015


February 19, 20, 21 & 22 at  8.45pm
Matinee February 22
at  3.15pm

A twisted fairytale                     ADULT THEMES

The Fairytale Tribunal meet to decide the fate of Cinderella who has left her story and broken the rules. Grandma (Red Riding Hood) heads the tribunal, the Wicked Witch from Hansel and Gretel is second in charge and Snow White is the Secretary and Administrator.
Cinderella does not want to ‘toe the line’ by returning peacefully to her story or to Prince Charming…….


Performance Information

Grandma  Ursula Johnson
Wicked Witch  David Nelson
Snow White  Sharon Greenock
Cinderella  Sophie Prober
Prince Charming  Sean Bullock


Performance Venue:
Playlovers Theatre, Draper St, Floreat, WA
(Click here for map)
Ticket Prices:  $20
Tickets available from Fringe World 

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