Composed by: Stephen Sondheim, James Lapine
Directed by: Alex McLennan
AUDITION: Sunday 15 October, by appointment
To be performed at Tricycle Theatre, Mount Lawley Senior High School
From 18th to 27th January 2024
“Into The Woods Jnr” is a musical production for youth aged 11 to 17 years. The sophisticated score has been adapted to make it more accessible to young performers.
Be careful what you wish for, as Stephen Sondheim’s and James Lapine’s cockeyed fairytale comes to life in this adaptation of their groundbreaking, Tony Award-winning musical. Into the Woods JR. features all of your favourite characters — Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack (and his beanstalk) and the Witch — in this lyrically rich retelling of classic Brothers Grimm fables.
For more information and to book an audition please email the director, Alex McLennan: alex.mclennan@education.wa.edu.au